
A short hair brunette, short to mid-height woman, wearing glasses. Holding a framed painting of a zoomed/cropped table with cutlery,  a plate with the universe on it and rocket
Cass and the Canvas is the creative endeavour of emerging artist and planet loving earthling, Cassandra.
Living and working in Melbourne (Naarm), Australia.
Drawing inspiration from the ever changing, rapid and passive, natural world. Supported by a life long, love for mystical, fantasy worlds and sci-fi adventures.
Growing up, often delving into the wondrous worlds of fantasy books or stories based in a distant galaxy. Spending hours getting lost in lands of dragons, spells, aliens and imaginary wonders.
When, not adventuring through the fantasy realm, Cass was outside experiencing nature and all its captivating beauty. Out exploring the natural world; playing, learning and wondering. Either up a tree, digging in the dirt or staring at found favourite rocks.
Cass and the Canvas is a combination of these two loves.
Aiming to bring joy, conversation and inspiration to others through art and crafts, encouraging others to fight for the beauty of our amazing planet, Earth.
Giving new life to something, recycling and waste free creativity is the driving force behind Cass and the Canvas.
Working in a variety of mediums including painting, paper making, sculptural work and pigment making, her craft is always evolving and adapting.

Want to learn more?

Check out how I make and incorporate each medium/craft into my creations.